速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Broadwater Brewing

Broadwater Brewing


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版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

Broadwater Brewing(圖1)-速報App

Ten years ago, when we started this adventure, we didn’t, “know coffee.” In fact, the drink menu at the big coffee chains was a little intimidating, and coffee wasn’t even our favorite thing. A friend introduced us to the coffee industry shows, and a true love started to grow.

Broadwater Brewing(圖2)-速報App

We realized at the time, that there were very few options in the way of specialty coffee in our little town and as we traveled and learned and found love for all the beautiful things about coffee, we wanted to share it with our friends and neighbors.

Broadwater Brewing(圖3)-速報App

It was from this desire to share our passions and pleasures that our business was born. As we tossed around ideas about how to name this project, so many fun and funny ideas came up. It took us years to find the right fit. Yep. Years. All of that time, we were honing our craft and learning to embrace the things that make our lives great at home: The rivers and mountains and the amazing people around us. The friendly current that flows through our community.

Broadwater Brewing(圖4)-速報App

Today, we present you, Broadwater Coffee Brewing Company. And while we haven’t figured out how to grow the coffee here, we are truly homegrown. And we’re proud of that. We’re not just trendy or cute. Or overly sophisticated. We don’t want to be a place you need a dictionary to order a drink. We’re down-to-Earth and – GROUNDED. Exactly the way home should feel: warm and friendly and consistent. We welcome our family, friends, and neighbors to come and learn to love crafted coffee for all the reasons we did.

Broadwater Brewing(圖5)-速報App